ADHD Life Coaching
Janet Marie’s passion for working with her clients is obvious and she constantly strives for the best results.
Janet Marie's dedication as an ADHD coach stems from her son’s struggle with ADHD. Her initial lack of understanding of the diagnosis caused her to miss out on providing the necessary tools to help him use his ADHD as a help and not a hurdle. As a result, she deems it necessary to equip as many people as she can with this information to avoid some of the challenges she faced.
Janet Marie’s passion for working with her clients is obvious and she constantly strives for the best results. She is energetic, loves a challenge, and moves decisively to get results. She believes in using direct action and a solution-oriented approach to solve problems. This approach helps prevent problems before they occur by helping people develop goals and solutions rather than just focusing on problems and weaknesses. She also focuses on fostering positive relationships and genuine connections.
Janet uses a step-by-step guide of self-reflection to help individuals realize hidden truths about themselves and after acknowledging these truths she works with clients to “Do the work” necessary to get to self-actualization. Her coaching series is designed to help clients learn “How to Create a Space for Inner Peace While Stopping the Struggles of Stress, Anxiety, and ADHD.” Through these courses and exploration of self it is her goal that each person be encouraged and motivated to work successfully through their own voyage by getting clarity of who they are to live a fulfilled, guilt free life and reach the joy they desire. She believes that “Being honest with yourself about yourself is the beginning of a happier and healthier life!”
Janet Marie knows that ADHD can be revised into a strength and the energy and enthusiasm that often comes with this disorder can translate into passion and dedication. These courses will help maximize potential and use ADHD to empower oneself. Her goal is that her work with people shows them who they truly are, helps them believe in themselves, and ultimately helps them pursue and fulfill their dreams.

Be sure to check out Janet Marie's new book The 5A Formula
The Five A Formula to Reclaim Your Life is a guide to help you acknowledge and accept the pain you have experienced and arm yourself with ammunition of self-love to help you act upon taking the necessary steps to heal. All people need healing! The 5 A’s is how we fight our daily battles and get to a place of peace.